Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Meaning Behind The Name

Coming up with a name for the foundation was a lot trickier than we had anticipated. We wanted the name to be unique and meaningful. In addition, we wanted it to represent hope and highlight the messy journey that infertility takes an individual on. Finally, we settled on the name Bundled Blessings Fertility Foundation, Inc. This name really spoke to each of our hearts, despite the fact that we were all at very different points in our individual infertility journeys.

To us, the meaning of the term “Bundled Blessings” is twofold. The first, and perhaps most apparent meaning, creates the picture of a little baby all swaddled up and snuggled in their parent’s arms. The perfect little bundle that is such a blessing in that family’s and many other’s lives.  This image is the ultimate goal of each couple that we work with. We feel so blessed and touched that we get to be a part of their journey in growing their family.

The second meaning of “Bundled Blessings” is created through the ‘bundle’ of available options that are all needed in order for a couple diagnosed with infertility to achieve their goal of growing their family. Each couple faced with infertility depends on many things to come together to beat this diagnosis. Some of these things may include: support from loved ones, medications, injections, surrogate carriers, paperwork, and so much more. These things are such a blessing when a couple is diagnosed with infertility.  No, no couple ever wants to receive this diagnosis. It is heartbreaking, devastating, and scary for so many reasons. However, knowing there are options, that this diagnosis does not have to completely take away someone’s ability to have children and raise a family of their own, lightens the load just a little. It provides a couple diagnosed with infertility some hope. Each couple depends so deeply on receiving their entire unique package or bundle of options in order to make their dreams of having a child a reality. Whether it be through fertility treatments, adoption, or surrogacy, every family is beautiful and such an amazing blessing.

Every journey of infertility is created, supported, and driven by these bundled blessings.
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