Finding out that IVF is your best, and possibly only, option for becoming pregnant can be VERY overwhelming. While it can significantly increase your chances of becoming pregnant, it does not come with a guarantee. It is a very expensive, time consuming, and emotional process that consumes your life for a few months. I think everyone responds to the news differently and goes through a variety of emotions as they anticipate the day of their first injections (and then of course there are a gazillion additional emotions you feel going through the process and after, but we will address those another day!). The day we found out that we would need to do IVF I was stressing out that the first available IVF round we could join was still four weeks away! My husband, on the other hand, was stressing about the financial side and how we would ever be able to afford it. I admit, he may have been the more rational one throughout this process!
As the start of our IVF journey got closer and closer, my anxiety, fears, excitement, and stress increased. Here are a few thoughts that I had written in the weeks and days preceding our first IVF round:
2/20/2014- A Leap of Faith
Ever since hearing the news that we were going to have to do IVF in order to have a child, I have been experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement, anxiousness, joy, and most of all fear. Fear that we will spend all of that money and get our hopes up and it won't work. Fear of the shots and what the medications might do to my body. Fear that I won't be able to keep up in school and with work.
Needless to say, last week I was kind of a walking wreck. I felt like I was on the brink of tears all the time. Someone would tell me great news, sad news, neutral news, it didn't matter, and I could feel my eyes welling up. I was beginning to let this fear over take every moment of my life, continually doing research on the internet and reading every bit of information that I could find.
3/15/2014- Overwhelming
Going through the process of IVF can be SOOOO overwhelming, and that is exactly how I have been feeling lately! The funny thing is, I usually feel like I'm doing okay with everything, but then, one small thing happens and I can feel the tears coming. My husband has been amazing and always holds me tightly and allows me to cry over the silly things (which are really not what I'm crying about at all- but he knows this!) I think part of this overwhelming feeling really stems from feelings of fear. I really believe that IVF will work for us. I just don't know when, and that can be a really scary thing!
While these emotions can be hard to contain, there were a couple of things that I found to be very helpful in calming my nerves, anxiousness, and fear.
- Researching, researching, researching- Reading other people’s personal blogs, learning about the medications and size of each needle, and researching ways to increase our chances of success really helped me to feel better prepared for what was ahead.
- Taking long baths- I absolutely LOVE baths and having this time to myself, to relax and sort through my thoughts, was something that I needed almost daily.
- Reading - Reading is another thing I really enjoy doing and reading something that was not focused on infertility, IVF, or fertility medications was a great escape for me.
- Spending time with my husband with no talk of fertility allowed- When you’re going through infertility, so much of your time with your husband becomes about getting pregnant. It goes from timed intercourse, to fertility testing, to treatment options, to finances and so on. While I believe that couples should lean on each other to make it through this difficult time, it is also important to have time together to just be yourselves again. My husband and I enjoyed going on walks, getting ice cream, and watching movies.
- Leaning on your faith- For me, this was the most important and most helpful. Spending time reading my bible, praying, and seeking God’s guidance really helped me through this process and to feel prepared, confident, and hopeful.
Most time it’s good to share problem. WHO KNOWS?? My names are Aylen Melsin I suffered Adhesion that damaged my uterus and this is really what I think you should understand. I finally was able to conceive a child of my own after 7 years without any issue. This really was the worst thing ever. It was a miracle that indeed shocked me and my husband. Because I was left with no option but to use a Herbal Health Concoction that was prepared from Roots Herbs to help the Immune. I got to find out a solution through online search and I talked to the direct source about my problem. His name is Ahiga and he told me how some necessary few herbs will be useful to women’s health, to cure Fibroid, tubes blockage recovery, So I gave him a chance to do what knows best. He sent the Herbs to me and gave simple instruction on method of use. After few weeks of usage I began to feel dizzy, vomiting, tender breast, a friend of mine told me all this are sings of pregnancy. I went for check up behold I was confirmed pregnant. I'm glad God did this with the Roots Herbs of Ahiga. You can get in-touch with Ahiga via Email (ahigahealing@ yahoo. com) really just felt like dropping this, not for all but for those who want to start having children of their own.